Here is all the technical information you need to know before using Expando.
Please visit our website for more information on this topic.
EXPANDO is a non-explosive, non-toxic chemical demolition agent that safely and silently cracks rocks and concrete in four easy steps: Drill, Mix, Pour and Expand!
First measure the temperature of the job site, demolition agent, water, stone/concrete and container to ensure temperatures are in accordance with compliance requirements. Next, select the correct Expando product range for the job site temperature.
You will need to prepare the following things:
waterDrill holes in the rock or concrete where the material is to be cracked.
The distance between holes will vary depending on type of material. Generally, the closer the holes, the quicker it is to crack the material.
The diameter of the holes will dictate cracking results holes that are too small may result in sub-optimal performance, while holes that are too big may cause blowout shots.
Please note: do not exceed 40mm diameter drill size
The following figures are for reference purposes only. For best results, it is advisable to carry out experiments or tests with Expando before starting work.
Holes should be cleaned out using compressed air or vacuum.
Expando expansive mortar must be thoroughly mixed with clean cold water before use. Gradually add one bag of Expando to 1.5 1.7 litres of water. Stir until you obtain a smooth lump-free slurry.
Use only open buckets or containers for mixing. Do not use narrow-necked containers.
Avoid adding extra water, as this may reduce the concentration and effectiveness of the mix.
Avoid mixing more than 10kg of Expando at any one time.
Pour the freshly mixed slurry into pre-drilled holes within 10 minutes of mixing. Do not look directly into the filled holes for the next 2 6 hours.
Tamp the mortar filled into the holes by using a slightly smaller stamp stem. For long holes, tamp the mortar section by section to remove trapped air pockets.
For horizontal and slant holes, insert a slightly smaller plastic pipe into the hole and fill the mortar into the pipe slowly, withdrawing the pipe from the hole simultaneously. Tamp the mortar section by section to remove trapped air pockets.
Another method for horizontal holes is to fill sausage shaped plastic bags. Tie the bags off and insert them into the horizontal holes.
The benefit of this method is that it will retain the fluid in the horizontal hole.
EXPANDOs reaction time to crack stones varies from 24 to 76 hours.
This varies depending on the material being cracked, the hole design and the ambient temperature at the job site. Expando continues to increase in pressure for up to 5 days.
Caution: The chemical reaction of Expando and water generates heat. If the reaction goes too quickly the temperature can be above the boiling point of water before all the water has chemically combined with Expando. This can result in a steam driven explosion which blows the Expando mortar from the holes with sudden force.
Expando, once mixed and poured into holes, expands as it slowly sets, gradually applying expansive stress up to 14,000 PSI.
Initially propagation occurs, then the crack widens. When multiple holes are filled adjacent to each other, the cracks propagate to join with the neighbouring holes. This allows you to determine the exact direction of the cracks with your hole pattern designs.
The hole pattern design must allow the material to move to free space when Expando expands as shown in the diagrams below. Failure to provide free space will result in unpredictable material movement. We recommend that you plan your work so you are always working away from a free space (this gives the broken piece of material somewhere to move to).
If you are looking for more details, kindly visit Sanqiang Building Material.
Although its highly unlikely, EXPANDO might blow out from the filled holes if you have not followed these instructions correctly:
The chemical reaction of Expando depends on the temperature of the breaking object.
The reaction time of Expando to crack stone varies from 24 hours to 72 hours, depending on the cracking object, material, hole design and temperature. Generally speaking, within the temperature scope of each type, the higher the temperature of the object and the closer together the holes, the quicker the object will crack (otherwise, the opposite will occur).
For more technical advice or support, contact our support hotline directly on 759 895 or
See also:
Betonamit enables the simple, safe and targeted demolition of stone and concrete. The product is produced in Liechtenstein and has been sold worldwide for over 50 years. The big advantage is the ease of use and the fact that neither a blasting license nor a permit is required.
Betonamit is an explosion-free blasting agent that enables the safe and vibration-free crushing of rock, stone and concrete without the need for special requirements or equipment. Betonamit is also often referred to as a swelling agent, swelling explosive or blasting concrete.
Betonamit is a swelling explosive that is used for the gentle and controlled demolition of rock and concrete. This explosion-free blasting method is now used successfully by thousands of customers in over 50 countries. Betonamit is the gentle and environmentally friendly alternative to conventional demolition methods. Where blasting is not permitted or desired, where chiseling represents an enormous strain for the workers or where vibrations must be avoided, our Betonamit product offers exactly the right solution.
Swelling explosives are used by professional demolition companies as well as by private individuals. Unlike conventional blasting work, the so-called swelling pressure agents do not require a blasting license or permits. Our alternative blasting agent can be used both indoors and outdoors.
As a European manufacturer of swelling agents, we have been able to achieve a leading international position with our quality product. Production continues to take place at our plant in Liechtenstein. Only raw materials from Switzerland and the EU are used for our swelling explosives. Today, we are a manufacturer for countless well-known companies worldwide and produce our blasting alternatives in our own facilities as well as in a number of white labels on behalf of customers.
Betonamit has a very good shelf life of at least 3 years. Betonamit is incombustible and can be sent by parcel without any problems. After a reaction time of only a few hours, Betonamit develops an enormous expansion pressure, which is soon so high that any hard rock and even reinforced concrete is pressed apart.
Compared to conventional blasting methods, Betonamit works practically silently, without vibration and without flying fragments.
With Betonamit, ANYONE can crush rock, stone or concrete in just 3 steps. Mix Betonamit powder with water and fill into the previously drilled holes. The material sets and begins to expand. Betonamit develops an expansion pressure of over 10,000 tons per square metre for cold blasting.
The first step is to drill the holes. The drill hole diameter to be selected is 25-45 mm. The maximum drill hole spacing is 10 times the drill hole diameter, i.e. 25-45 cm. Smaller borehole spacings lead to even better results. The drill holes should be dry and as free of drilling dust as possible.
In the second step, add the Betonamit powder to the mixing container and loosen slightly with the agitator. Then add exactly 1.2 liters (per 5 kilograms) of cold, clean water and mix intensively with an agitator for 2 minutes until a flowable and homogeneous mixture is obtained. The mixture appears relatively dry at first, but the consistency changes abruptly during the mixing process.
In the final step, fill the mixture directly from the mixing container into the drill holes. No additional mechanical closure is required. Dilute excess Betonamit mixture with plenty of water for deactivation and dispose of with the remaining construction waste. The total processing time should not exceed 5 minutes.
Now we just have to wait for the gentle blasting. The mixture hardens slowly in the borehole and sets. The expansion pressure then gradually begins to build up. The fracture time depends mainly on the temperature, the borehole diameter and the borehole spacing. Cracking always occurs in the direction of least resistance. A larger drill hole diameter means more force, shorter reaction time and wider crack formation. Smaller distances between the drill holes mean smaller fragments and a shorter reaction time. As a rule, small hairline cracks are already visible in some places after a few hours. These then continue to widen and new cracks appear. Dont make the mistake of starting to remove the fragments too early. It is best to let the product work for as long as possible, because with every hour it becomes easier to clear away or remove the blasted object. With a little experience, the blast pattern and blasting time can be predicted very accurately and almost all blasting work can be carried out explosion-free.
Tip: BETONAMIT continues to expand over several days. This means that the more time you give the product, the easier it is to remove the fragments. Therefore, be patient and allow BETONAMIT to work for as long as possible to achieve the best result.
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