Ointments for wound healing: names and methods of application

20 Feb.,2024


Rating of ointments for wound healing

  • An ointment for healing the wounds on the face must have some binding qualities: to stimulate healing and at the same time not to irritate the delicate skin of the face. The following drugs meet these criteria:
    • Pantoderm - an external agent with a metabolic and anti-inflammatory effect, which is applied a thin layer directly on the wound;
    • Levomekol is an anti-inflammatory drug of combined action, it is used on wounds of any type, including in the presence of purulent discharge;
    • Bruise-OFF - ointment for healing small wounds and scratches in the face area;
    • Streptocide ointment - helps with purulent inflammation, has an antimicrobial effect.

These ointments from wounds are used a few days after the injury, and necessarily - after consulting a doctor.

  • An ointment with an antibiotic for healing wounds will help in case of danger of infection - getting into the wound of pathogenic bacteria. Here, the rules for choosing a drug are: the more significant the damage to tissues, the stronger the antibacterial agent should be.

For example, everyone knows the well-known Boro Plus cream can be irreplaceable for minor wounds and cuts. For extensive purulent wounds, preparations on a special basis with increased absorption are suitable: such mazepodobnye forms have a better penetrating ability and can ensure an early removal of exudate from the tissues outside. To such external means it is possible to carry "Levomekol", "Furagel", "Povidone-iodine", "Nitacid" or "Streptonitol". The listed medications can be used practically at any stage of wound healing.

  • An ointment for wounds after surgery is usually prescribed by a surgeon. Most often such an ointment is Solcoseryl - a regenerating drug, prepared on the basis of the blood extract of dairy calves. Solcoseryl accelerates the granulation stage, improves the properties of epithelial tissue.

The analogue of the above drug is the Actovegin ointment, which has a similar composition. The agent is applied once a day, it is possible to apply under a bandage bandage.

Another classic purpose for the treatment of postoperative wounds is Levomekol. This medicine combines the properties of an antibiotic and a regenerating agent. Especially often, Levomecol is prescribed for the treatment of suppurating wound surfaces.

  • Ointment for a deep wound should have a high degree of absorption, that is, absorbed into the layers of tissue as deeply as possible. A similar property is possessed by such external forms as Solcoseryl, Levomekol, Rikhitol, Eplan and Baneocin. Most of these ointments are placed inside the wound, using tampons or napkins.

Among other drugs, I would like to single out gel Dermatix. Usually it is prescribed to treat skin lesions, which are delayed with a high probability of forming extensive scars. For the application, the minimum amount of gel is used - this is sufficient for a quality wound surface tightening.

  • Ointment for wounds sore is selected depending on the stage of the wound process. So, at the stage of inflammation, when it is necessary to ensure the removal of fluid from the tissues, water-soluble preparations, for example, Levomecol or Levosin, are best suited. Other liniments in most cases are not suitable, as they can prevent the liquid from escaping.

At the regeneration stage, ointment can be used to dry the wound, but it will be better if the preparation is gel-like. Most often, doctors prefer plant remedies based on sea buckthorn, dog rose, and also medicines with silver ions.

  • The best ointment for dry wounds is Solcoseryl, or Actovegin. The drug is rich in blood components - a protein that is devoid of hemostasis of calf blood. The drug exhibits antihypoxic properties, and also enhances intracellular metabolism.

Frequency of applying ointment for dry wounds - twice a day, for at least 12-14 days.

  • Ointment from a wound in the mouth should have the properties of an antiseptic and not have a toxic effect, since the mucous membrane absorbs medicinal substances much more intensively than denser skin. What are the grease-like forms for use in the oral cavity?
  1. Metrogil Denta is a gel-like preparation, which contains metronidazole and chlorhexidine, which is responsible for the antimicrobial and antiseptic effect of the drug. With minimal absorption in the tissue, Metrogil Denta has a healing effect on the oral mucosa and periodontium. The drug is used twice a day for a week, without rinsing.
  2. Holisal is a stomatologic agent with antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. It can be used in pregnancy, in nursery or adult practice, however, in children up to 12 months Holisal is used with great care. The drug is applied after a meal, as in the next 2-3 hours after application it is not recommended to drink or eat.
  • Ointment for wound healing in diabetes should be selected by a doctor-endocrinologist, because in patients with this disease, wounds are always delayed problematically and for a long time. Moreover, there is a high probability that a purulent or other pathological process will join the wound surface.

With diabetes, massive vascular and nerve damage occurs, immunity decreases. Therefore, if the patient notices that purulent discharge has appeared on the damaged tissue site, or the process of dying off (necrosis) has begun, then the consultation of the endocrinologist should be immediate.

Most often, for the treatment of wounds in diabetes mellitus, solutions of antiseptics are used, and only after that they resort to the use of ointments - mainly with antimicrobial effect:

  • Levomekol (applied to a napkin or directly to the wound, daily);
  • Levosin (used to impregnate bandages and tampons, until complete cure).

Simultaneously, the oral course of drugs is carried out, aimed at strengthening the body's defenses.

  • Anti-inflammatory ointments for wounds are used in the first stage of wound healing. According to the rating, the following anti-inflammatory drugs have the best anti-inflammatory effect:
    • Levomekol - destroys the infection in the wound, raises local immunity, perfectly restores the damaged tissue;
    • Nitacid - contains antibacterial components of Streptocide and Netazol, which allows using ointment in purulent processes, for the treatment of sutures after surgery, for the treatment of abscesses;
    • Balm Rescuer is a natural preparation known for its analgesic, antiseptic and healing properties;
    • Streptolaven - contains ultralizin and antimicrobial substance Miramistin, therefore eliminates inflammation even in purulent and necrotic wounds. Can be used for diabetes mellitus.
  • An anesthetic ointment for wounds is almost never applied to extensive open wounds. Most often, such a tool is used for minor cuts and scratches (for example, the Rescuer balm), or with bruises of soft tissues (Clofezon ointment, Sanitas, Voltaren, Gevkamen, Dolgit, Ketoprofen).

The listed medicines reduce the severity of the inflammatory process, alleviate pain, which is more of a concern immediately after the injury.

With an open, sogging wounds, it is better to give preference to wound healing preparations, and anesthesia should be carried out by anesthetics or by analgesic tablets prescribed by a doctor.

  • Is there an ointment for an unhealed wound? In the treatment of non-healing (hard-healing) wounds, one application of ointments, even very strong ones, is indispensable. In most cases, the doctor appoints complex antibiotics, drugs that improve trophic processes, etc. Of the ointments, the external preparation with antiseptic properties of methyluracil with miramistin has proved to be well. This ointment is sufficient to apply once a day, after pretreatment with antiseptic, until complete cure.
  • Antiseptic ointment for wounds is relevant for the treatment and prevention of infected wounds. This drug delays the multiplication of bacteria, eliminates or prevents the inflammatory process, which significantly contributes to the tightening of the lesion. The rating of antiseptic ointment preparations is as follows:
    • Bepanten plus - a combination of chlorhexidine and panthenol;
    • Betadine (analogue of Povidone-iodine);
    • Ointment Vishnevsky (a combination of tar, xerobes and castor oil);
    • Boro plus cream (vegetable based);
    • Boric ointment (a preparation based on boric acid);
    • Calendula Ointment Dr. Taiss.

The list contains the most common ointment forms, which are often purchased in pharmacies.

  • Hormonal ointment for wound healing, as a rule, is not applied. This remedy is provided for the treatment of skin diseases such as dermatitis, psoriasis, dermatomyositis, etc. The expediency of using such a drug depends entirely on the doctor's decision. Among the most popular hormonal ointments can be identified:
    • Advantan - an external agent based on methylprednisolone;
    • Elokom - a preparation containing a synthetic glucocorticosteroid mometasone furoate;
    • Dermoveit - ointment preparation with glucocorticoid hormone clobetasol propionate;
    • Lorinden is a remedy with flumethasone (synthetic glucocorticosteroid);
    • Sinaflan is liniment based on fluocinolone acetonide.

Hormonal ointments are not designed for self-treatment, as their uncontrolled use can adversely affect the patient's health.

  • Are ointments used for bleeding wounds? As a rule, with bleeding wounds, regardless of the degree of bleeding, ointments are not used. Their application begins only when the wound is covered with granulation. Therefore, the list of the most popular external drugs for the treatment of skin wounds ointment forms from bleeding are absent.
  • Ointment for abrasions and wounds for children - which is better? In fact, a lot of such funds are known, and every family in which there are children chooses the most suitable for their price and quality. Doctors strongly recommend having one of the following medicines in the family medicine cabinet:
    • Olazole is a preparation based on sea buckthorn oil, boric acid and chloramphenicol. Suitable for use in children from 2 years of age;
    • Sulfargin is an ointment preparation containing silver sulfadiazine. Used in children's practice from 3 months of age;
    • Actovegin is a medicine made from deproteinized calf blood extract. It is often used in pediatrics;
    • Bepanten is an external medicine with provitamin B5 (dexpanthenol). It is applied from birth.
    • Eplan - a tool for wound healing, can be used in children of any age.

When choosing any medications for children, a pediatrician consultation is mandatory!

  • The final stage of the rating is the most effective prescription for ointment for wound healing. It's no secret that recipes of alternative medicine often have unique properties. In doing so, they are based on the use of affordable and inexpensive natural ingredients. Let's go directly to the options for cooking home ointment forms.
  1. Take an arbitrary amount of melted fat or other fat (for example, vegetable or butter), warm it up to a hot state, but do not bring to a boil. Add crushed propolis, continue to cook for 25-30 minutes on low heat. After filter and cool. The resulting mass is used to treat wounds and skin diseases.
  2. Shredded burdock rhizomes mix with the same treated rhizome rhizome (30 and 20 g respectively). Pour 100 g of vegetable oil and simmer at minimum heat for about a quarter of an hour. Then filter and cool. Use for application 2-3 times a day.
  3. Mix 100 g of vegetable oil, 12 g of wax, 20 g of rosin, 1 g of incense, 1 tbsp. L. Fresh butter. All grind, add to the container and boil for 10 minutes, stirring constantly. To cool. Such a mixture can be used under the bandage, applying to the wounds as needed.

What is the best ointment for wounds?

This question can not be given an unambiguous answer, since each person chooses a drug based on a variety of preferences:

  • low allergenicity of the drug;
  • the possibility of use for all family members;
  • low or high price category;
  • "Universality" of the external means - the possibility of using not only to treat wounds, but also other lesions of the skin.

Of course, if the ointment for treating the wound is matched correctly, the healing process will go much faster and more comfortable. It is advisable for this to immediately consult a doctor, especially if the wound is extensive and (or) deep.

With small wounds and cuts inexpensive ointments for wound healing can be useful:

  • Levomekol tube of 40 g, the cost of up to 15 UAH;
  • liniment Vishnevsky tube 40 g, the cost - up to 15 UAH;
  • ointment of calendula tube 30 g (Phytopharm, Ukraine), cost - up to 10 UAH;
  • Boric ointment 5% tube 25 g - up to 10 UAH.

The average price category is domestic external preparations, often with combined action:

  • ointment methyluracil 10% tube 25 g, the cost is up to 35 UAH;
  • Boro plus antiseptic, the cost - up to 35 UAH.

As practice shows, that treatment is not delayed, it is recommended to apply a comprehensive approach. For example, an ointment for wound healing can be successfully combined with other dosage forms: gel, antiseptic solutions, oral preparations. Since it is extremely important to know when and in what quantities to use those or other medicines, the treatment of wounds should be under the control of a medical specialist.

For more information Methyluracil Ointment, please get in touch with us!