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TRP Polymer Solutions supplies an impressive range of seal materials. Our expert polymerists have the experience and expertise to develop custom sealing solutions to meet the demands of your sealing application. We will work closely with you to understand your goals and challenges before recommending the most appropriate polymer material for the job. Our state-of-the-art rubber materials offer unrivalled performance, protection and ROI.
One of the advanced polymer materials that we work with at TRP Polymer Solutions is styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR). This synthetic rubber is a suitable seal material for applications requiring a cost-effective alternative to natural rubber. All polymer materials have their advantages and disadvantages, including SBR. Read on for a full insight into the advantages, disadvantages and typical applications of styrene-butadiene rubber.
Styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR) is considered the most widely used rubber produced today. This general-purpose synthetic rubber is manufactured from a copolymer of butadiene and styrene, comprising of 75% butadiene and 25% styrene. These monomers are linked as part of a process called copolymerisation to form long, multiple-unit molecules that repeat randomly along the polymer chains. These are then cross-linked during the vulcanisation process.
Styrene-butadiene rubber is available in a range of shore hardnesses from 40 to 95 IHRD and can operate in a temperature range of between -25 °C and +90 °C for static sealing.
Styrene-butadiene rubber offers a range of advantages. It is often used as a direct replacement for natural rubber, due to its similar characteristics but more economical price tag. Styrene-butadiene rubber offers excellent abrasion resistance and crack endurance. It also ages well and delivers good compression set and water resistance.
It is the addition of the organic compound styrene (a derivative of benzene) that contributes towards SBRs advantageous strength, abrasion, wear and bonding properties, not to mention its affordability. Styrene-butadiene rubber generally offers superior heat-ageing properties and abrasion resistance than natural rubber.
A major disadvantage of styrene-butadiene rubber is its poor sunlight and ozone resistance. This makes it less effective in outdoor applications. It also offers poor resistance to oil and steam, both of which force SBR rubber to swell and weaken over time.
Styrene-butadiene rubbers tensile and abrasion strength is only made possible through reinforcement, such as from a filler like carbon black. SBR rubber is not suitable for applications involving chemicals, ozone, strong acids, greases, fats and most hydrocarbons.
Styrene-butadiene rubber is the highest volume general-purpose synthetic rubber in production today. It is predominantly used in the manufacture of car tyres and is widely employed as an abrasion-resistant, economical alternative to natural rubber.
Other typical uses for styrene-butadiene rubber include the following:
Conveyer belts
Cable insulation
Shoe heels
Chewing gum
SBR rubber offers poor chemical resistance. Its resistance to solvents and weathering are inferior to most other elastomers. It becomes swollen and weakened by hydrocarbon oils. Atmospheric oxygen and ozone will also attack SBR rubber. Oxidation leads to an increased interlinking of the polymer chains, resulting in SBR rubber hardening with age.
SBR rubber is frequently employed as a direct replacement for natural rubber. It offers a number of useful mechanical properties including excellent abrasion resistance, crack endurance and ageing characteristics. Styrene-butadiene also delivers good compression set resistance and water resistance.
SBR is not typically used for food and beverage applications. However, some specialised food-grade versions have been developed for food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic processing. Made from FDA-approved ingredients, these white coloured SBR compounds are designed to be non-toxic, non-marking and non-allergenic.
TRP Polymer Solutions is an industry-leading manufacturer of high-performance styrene-butadiene rubber sealing components. We develop a comprehensive selection of sealing products from every type of polymer material imaginable.
For advice and guidance about our various O ring materials including styrene-butadiene rubber or to discuss your application requirements in more detail, call TRP Polymer Solutions today on +44(0) or .
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styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR), a general-purpose synthetic rubber, produced from a copolymer of styrene and butadiene. Exceeding all other synthetic rubbers in consumption, SBR is used in great quantities in automobile and truck tires, generally as an abrasion-resistant replacement for natural rubber (produced from polyisoprene).
SBR is a mixture of approximately 75 percent butadiene (CH2=CH-CH=CH2) and 25 percent styrene (CH2=CHC6H5). In most cases these two compounds are copolymerized (their single-unit molecules linked to form long, multiple-unit molecules) in an emulsion process, in which a soaplike surface-acting agent disperses, or emulsifies, the materials in a water solution. Other materials in the solution include free-radical initiators, which begin the polymerization process, and stabilizers, which prevent deterioration of the final product. Upon polymerization, the styrene and butadiene repeating units are arranged in a random manner along the polymer chain. The polymer chains are cross-linked in the vulcanization process.
For many purposes SBR directly replaces natural rubber, the choice depending simply on economics. Its particular advantages include excellent abrasion resistance, crack resistance, and generally better aging characteristics. Like natural rubber, SBR is swollen and weakened by hydrocarbon oils and is degraded over time by atmospheric oxygen and ozone. In SBR, however, the main effect of oxidation is increased interlinking of the polymer chains, so, unlike natural rubber, it tends to harden with age instead of softening. The most important limitations of SBR are poor strength without reinforcement by fillers such as carbon black (although with carbon black it is quite strong and abrasion-resistant), low resilience, low tear strength (particularly at high temperatures), and poor tack (i.e., it is not tacky or sticky to the touch). These characteristics determine the use of the rubber in tire treads; essentially, its proportions decrease as the need for heat resistance increases until 100 percent natural rubber is reached in the heaviest and most severe uses, such as tires for buses and aircraft.
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major industrial polymers: Styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR)
A large amount of SBR is produced in latex form as a rubbery adhesive for use in applications such as carpet backing. Other applications are in belting, flooring, wire and cable insulation, and footwear.
SBR is a product of synthetic rubber research that took place in Europe and the United States under the impetus of natural rubber shortages during World Wars I and II. By German chemists at IG Farben had developed a series of synthetic elastomers by copolymerizing two compounds in the presence of a catalyst. This series was called Buna, after butadiene, one of the copolymers, and sodium (natrium), the polymerization catalyst. During World War II the United States, cut off from its East Asian supplies of natural rubber, developed a number of synthetics, including a copolymer of butadiene and styrene. This general-purpose rubber, which had been called Buna S by German chemists Eduard Tschunkur and Walter Bock, who had patented it in , was given the wartime designation GR-S (Government Rubber-Styrene) by the Americans, who improved upon its production. Subsequently known as SBR, this copolymer soon became the most important synthetic rubber, representing about one-half of the total world production.
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