Workplace Drug Testing | Frequently Asked Questions ...

20 May.,2024


Workplace Drug Testing | Frequently Asked Questions ...

Drug detection times vary depending on the dose, sensitivity of the testing method used, preparation and route of administration, duration of use (acute or chronic), the matrix that is analyzed, the molecule or metabolite that is looked for, the pH and concentration of the matrix (urine, oral fluid), and variations in metabolic and renal clearance. In general, the detection time is longest in hair, followed by urine and oral fluid. Drugs in hair may be detectable for up to 90 days, whereas drugs in urine are generally detectable for one to seven days (or longer in chronic users) and in oral fluid from five to 48 hours.2

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How Far Back Does a Urine Drug Test Go?

Of the many regulations set by the Department of Transportation for certain employees, one of the most significant is its drug and alcohol testing requirements. These requirements apply across the board for all drivers, with the overall goal being the safety of both them and other road users. When a driver&#;s urine is drug tested, they may be wondering how far back it goes.

The answer to this question depends on the type of urine test being performed and the specific substances being tested for. Some substances are eliminated from the body quickly, while others can remain detectable for a longer period of time. This &#;detection window&#; is important, as a negative test could bring its own consequences for you and your company.

Who Gets Drug Tested Under DOT Regulations?

Being that the Department of Transportation (DOT) is the federal agency charged with enforcing safety standards throughout the transportation industry, it requires that employees in &#;safety-sensitive&#; positions be tested for drugs and alcohol at certain intervals. These include:

  • Pre-employment
  • Post-accident
  • Random
  • Reasonable suspicion
  • Return-to-duty
  • Follow-up

Obviously, drug and alcohol use can seriously impair a person&#;s ability to safely operate a vehicle, but regulations also apply to a variety of other workers whose jobs involve safety functions. Here is a look at some of the more common types of workers that are required to undergo drug and alcohol testing:

  • Commercial driver&#;s license (CDL) holders who operate vehicles that require a CDL, including trucks and buses
  • Aviation employees such as pilots, air traffic controllers, and aircraft maintenance personnel
  • Pipeline workers involved in operation, maintenance, and emergency response
  • Railroad employees involved in operating trains and maintaining tracks
  • Transit employees such as bus and train operators
  • Maritime employees involved in operating a vessel or handling cargo.

Employers subject to DOT regulations are responsible for ensuring their employees meet the drug and alcohol testing requirements. The DOT sets specific guidelines for drug and alcohol testing, including when testing is conducted and what substances are tested for.

What Substances Does a DOT Drug Test Look For?

As part of its strict regulations, DOT drug testing requires that specific substances be looked for. The DOT&#;s drug testing panel includes the following drugs:

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  • Marijuana (THC)
  • Cocaine
  • Amphetamines (including methamphetamine and MDMA)
  • Opioids (including codeine, heroin, and morphine)
  • Phencyclidine (PCP)

It&#;s important to understand that the DOT drug testing panel does not test for all drugs, but only the ones listed above. However, some employers may choose to operate under a policy that requires a more extensive drug testing panel to include additional drugs, such as benzodiazepines or barbiturates.

The DOT drug test is a urine drug test, which checks for the presence of these substances in the urine. The test is typically a 5-panel drug test, meaning it looks for the presence of the five drugs listed above.

How Far Back Does a Urine Drug Test Go?

The DOT uses urine samples for drug testing because this method is:

  • Non-invasive
  • Relatively simple
  • Cost-effective

Other testing methods, such as hair or blood tests, may be more accurate but are more expensive and generally more invasive.

Urine drug testing is also a well-established method that has been used for decades and has been shown to be effective in detecting drug use. Further, The DOT&#;s drug testing program has strict guidelines for the procedure of the actual testing. In order to be compliant, the procedure must include the following steps:

  • Notification &#; The employee is notified that they have been selected for drug testing and provided with instructions on where and when to report for the test.
  • Collection &#; The employee reports to a designated collection site and provides a urine sample in a private area. The collection process must be directly observed by a same-gender collection technician to prevent sample adulteration or substitution.
  • Split Specimen Collection &#; The collection technician divides the urine sample into two containers (the primary specimen and the split specimen), seals them with tamper-evident seals, and labels them with unique identification numbers.
  • Chain of Custody &#; The collection technician completes a chain-of-custody form that documents the collection, labeling, and handling of the specimens. The form is signed and dated by the employee and collection technician.
  • Testing &#; The primary specimen is tested using an immunoassay test, and if it is positive, a confirmatory test using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) is conducted to confirm the presence of the drug.
  • MRO Review &#; If the test is positive, the Medical Review Officer (MRO) reviews the results and contacts the employee to determine if there is a legitimate medical explanation for the positive result.
  • Result Reporting &#; The MRO reports the results to the employer and the employee, and if the result is positive, the employee is immediately removed from safety-sensitive duties.

Detection Window

While every person is different, a urine test has a specific timeframe in which it can detect the presence of drugs in a person&#;s system, known as a &#;detection window.&#; Generally speaking, most drugs can be detected in urine for up to several days or even weeks after use.

Here are some approximate detection windows for some common drugs in urine:

  • Amphetamines &#; 1-3 days
  • Cocaine &#; 2-4 days
  • Marijuana (THC) &#; occasional use &#; up to 3 days
    • moderate use &#; up to 5-7 days
    • chronic use &#; up to 30 days or more
  • Opiates (heroin, morphine, codeine) &#; 2-4 days
  • Methamphetamine &#; 1-3 days

If you are a safety-sensitive employee, it&#;s extremely important to remember that the detection window for drugs in urine is not an exact science and can vary depending on your frequency of use and metabolism. Ultimately, the only way to ensure that you can pass the DOT drug test is to either stop using or take measures to follow guidelines if you have to take prescription medications that could result in a negative test. A negative test, at minimum, will result in the suspension of your license and could subject your employer to further penalties under DOT regulations.

Get Started With Fleet Drug Testing

At Fleet Drug Testing, we offer full-service solutions that ensure compliance with DOT regulations. Our team of experienced professionals will handle the responsibilities that come with these requirements, allowing you to focus on keeping your business moving. To get started, contact us today.

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