Types of Drug Tests | Drug Testing Information

06 Aug.,2024


Types of Drug Tests | Drug Testing Information

Learn About the Different Types of Drug Testing Services

What is a Drug Test?

A drug test analyzes an individual&#;s sample for the presence of illegal or prescription drugs. The most common substances that are frequently tested for are:  marijuana, heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine, alcohol, opium, and steroids.

For more information, please visit Accu-Tell.

What is a 10 Panel Drug Test?

A 10 panel drug test is used to detect traces of the 10 most commonly abused substances that are often associated with drug abuse (marijuana, cocaine, opioids, benzodiazepines, amphetamines, barbiturates, PCP, methadone, Quaaludes, & propoxyphene). There are also smaller 4-5 panel drug tests available. Typically, a urine analysis is ordered for these drug panels, however, hair, blood, sweat, or oral fluid tests can administered as well.


Most Common Types of Drug Tests

Here are the most common drug tests administered to find illegal substance use:

Urine Drug Test 

A urine drug test, or urine drug screen (UDS), is the most common drug test administered. It is used to detect the presence of illegal substances in a person&#;s system. Urine screening is performed most often because it can quickly identify if an individual has recently used an illegal substance within the past few days.

Mouth Swab Drug Test

A mouth swab drug test, also known as a saliva test or oral test, detects substances in a person&#;s system by checking for the presence of drugs in the saliva. This type of test is becoming more common, however, the individual must have used a substance relatively recently.

Hair Follicle Drug Test

A hair follicle drug test, also known as a hair drug test, screens for illicit drug use by collecting a small amount of hair from an individual&#;s head. The hair sample is then sent to the lab where it is analyzed for signs of drug abuse. This type of test can detect a pattern of repeated drug use over the last 90 days.

Blood Drug Test

A blood drug test is used typically when the individual is suspected of actively under the influence of drugs or other harmful substances. Blood tests can have a high degree of accuracy and can detect a wider variety of substances, however, the time frame is very short due to substances being quickly metabolized and eliminated from the body (substances are detectable only within a few minutes to hours).

Sweat Patch Drug Test

A sweat patch drug test requires an individual wear a patch on their skin for seven days. The sweat drug-detection patches provides continuous monitoring of the individual over several days. If the individual is actively using drugs, they will excrete trace amounts of the drug through perspiration on the skin. A sweat patch tests for the 5 most common types of drug abuse (marijuana, cocaine, opiates, amphetamines/methamphetamines & PCP).


Where to Get a Drug Test?

There are different drug testing options available depending on one&#;s needs: at-home drug testing kits or lab testing facility.

At-Home Drug Test

If an individual or family member would like to conduct a test in the privacy of their own home, the can purchase a home drug test kit from their local pharmacy or drug store. 

Laboratory Drug Testing Facility

If an employer is hiring, it is common that the applicant will have to go to a lab testing facility to get screened.

Drug Testing Process

Wether you use an at-home drug testing kit or go to a lab testing office, the drug test samples will be sent to a lab to conduct immunoassay testing. The lab will process the sample, then conduct two tests. The first screening test discovers traces of addictive substances within a category. The second confirms the positive result, and can more specifically define what kind of drug was abused. For example, the first test can detect the presence of opioids, and the second test can find oxycodone or diamorphine. This can help an employer, physician, or loved one determine if there has been an abuse of an illicit drug.

Are You Looking For Drug Testing Services &#;Near Me&#;?

The need for drug testing in your home or office may already be indicative of a serious problem with addiction. The numerous testing methods of drug testing can help diagnose the type and extent of chemical dependency. Gaining this information might help a person struggling with addiction realize how badly their substance abuse affects his or her life, or it might enlighten someone enabling addiction to the depth of the problem. Positive drug tests may be the beginning of the long road of treatment. Remember, addiction is a chronic, progressive disease that can devastate the lives of anyone in its path. Stop it from overrunning you or loved ones, and seek help today. If you need information regarding drug testing, intervention, or addiction, contact Bradford Health Services and ask for a professional intervention specialist to guide you through the process.

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Types of Drug Tests & Screenings

Many American companies require employees to comply with workplace drug testing policies. Depending on federal, state and local laws, industry requirements, and the organization&#;s needs, the types of drug tests will vary.

The organizational case for mandating different drug tests is clear. From a business perspective, illegal drugs, certain prescription drugs, and the presence of alcohol may contribute to increased absenteeism and decreased productivity. Plus, businesses are responsible for providing a secure working environment to keep their employees safe from harm.

It&#;s good practice to be transparent about your drug testing methods if you want to attract and retain the best talent for your team.  This can avoid applicant confusion about the types of drug testing they must undertake, when the drug testing is conducted, and how it works.

Types of drug tests and commonly screened drugs

Different kinds of drug tests are used to identify specific substances and how long they have been in an applicant&#;s or employee&#;s system. Below are some of the most common drug tests, and their uses.

Urine testing

Urine testing, also known as urinalysis, is the least invasive type of drug testing. It&#;s also the most commonly used and the approved method of testing for federally mandated drug screening. Urine testing involves checking samples for the presence of metabolites. Metabolites are trace residues that remain in a person&#;s system even after the effects of drug use have worn off. This means that a positive result doesn&#;t necessarily indicate that someone is under the influence at the time of the test, only that they had been at some point prior to the test.

Hair testing

Hair testing is considered one of the most reliable types of drug tests due to its cheat-proof nature. It also has the longest detection window. Because hair testing is able to identify substances up to 90 days after use, it is often used to detect repeat drug use. Impervious to concealment by bleaches or dyes, hair tests also eliminate the opportunity for employees to abstain from substance abuse for short periods before testing. Analysis of hair by comparative testing can reveal exactly which drugs were taken, for how long, and when usage stopped.

Oral fluid testing

Also known as a saliva test or mouth swab, analyzing oral fluids is one of the most cost-effective types of drug test. They are quick, time-sensitive, and can often be collected on-site. Identifying residual drugs using oral fluid testing is particularly efficient because samples can reveal drug usage between just a few minutes and up to 48 hours prior to collection.

Typically, the drug testing methods listed above check for the presence of the following controlled and illicit substances:

  • Marijuana/THC
  • Cocaine
  • Amphetamines (including MDMA and methamphetamine)
  • Opiates (including heroin, codeine, morphine, hydrocodone, oxycodone, hydromorphone, and oxymorphone)
  • Phencyclidine (PCP)

Other types of drug tests

Of course, it&#;s not just illegal substances that employers need to screen for. The presence of alcohol also needs to be monitored&#;especially for employees who will operate vehicles, machinery, or hold otherwise safety-sensitive positions.

If you want to learn more, please visit our website Drug Of Abuse Tests.

Breath alcohol testing: In contrast to other drug test types, breath alcohol tests can only identify an individual&#;s level of intoxication at the time the test is administered. Most breathalyzers can detect alcohol up to twelve hours after the consumption of a single drink. This level of accuracy explains why it&#;s the most commonly used type of drug testing in many workplaces.

Blood tests: Blood screens can be used to test for both alcohol and illicit drugs. However, they are expensive and invasive and are therefore seldom used. As with breathalyzer testing, blood samples can only reveal substances that are present at the time of testing.

Why employers drug test

Alcohol and drug abuse is a bigger problem than many people realize. According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA):

  • 61 million Americans aged 12 and older admitted to using illicit drugs within the previous year.

Alcohol and drug abuse can create health and safety hazards for all employees, which in turn can cost organizations hundreds of thousands of dollars. Some common reasons for employers to administer drug tests may include:

  • Restricting the hiring of alcohol or drug addicts;
  • Preventing existing employees from abusing alcohol and drugs;
  • Ensuring a safe working environment for everyone;
  • Reducing absenteeism and lateness;
  • Lowering the risk of workplace accidents;
  • Protecting business partners and the general public;
  • Identifying employees who need help to overcome drug/alcohol problems;
  • Maintaining high productivity and employee morale;
  • Reducing the cost of healthcare and short-term disability claims;
  • Complying with local, state and federal laws and regulations; and/or
  • Benefiting from Workers&#; Compensation Premium Discount programs.

How drug tests are conducted and their reliability

Different types of drug tests necessitate different collection techniques. Regardless of the type of drug tests a company chooses to use, steps must be taken to prevent the tampering, manipulation, or substitution of samples, and the falsification of results.

Urine samples are often conducted in bathroom stalls. Direct supervision could be considered an invasion of privacy, so multiple measures are taken to ensure fair play, including:

  • The use of specific stalls;
  • Putting dye in the toilet water; and/or
  • Turning off the water supply.

Test administrators may also impose special instructions, such as avoiding water intake and urinating for a couple of hours before testing. Employers should always be aware of any federal, state and local laws and regulations which may provide additional guidance on how urine samples are collected.

Other drug test types only require small samples which are easier to collect under direct supervision. SAMHSA, the federal agency tasked with leading public health efforts to combat substance abuse, has stringent guidelines to ensure that no specimens can be interfered with after collection:

  1. Official chain of custody documentation details each sample&#;s collection, handling, storage, analysis, and disposal.
  2. Samples are split so that a second test can be performed in the event of a positive result.
  3. An initial screen is undertaken. In the case of a positive outcome, the second analysis is performed to eliminate the possibility of a false positive.
  4. Using the second part of the split sample, a confirmation assessment is conducted. Only if both tests return the same result can a positive outcome be recorded.

A positive result is determined by a minimum baseline presence of a drug, known as the cut-off level. SAMHSA guidelines set cut-off levels relatively high to account for passive exposure and random false positives.

No type of drug testing is 100% reliable. Still, false positives are less likely than false negatives&#;provided strict collection, handling, and analysis procedures are followed.

Suppose the initial and confirmation screenings both come back with a positive result. In that case, a licensed doctor specializing in substance abuse will review the results to ensure the chain of custody was adhered to, the specimen was stored correctly, and the correct chemicals were used for testing. The licensed physician will also contact the individual directly to obtain any additional information around the positive result, after which, the specialist will declare the outcome. Some prescribed medications can trigger positive results. In those cases, if the medication in question is taken at the recommended dosage and under the direction of  a licensed physician, the test is declared negative.

False negatives are more common than false positives primarily due to the timing of sample collection. Different kinds of drug tests will identify the presence of substances at varying optimum periods (after ingestion). It&#;s therefore possible an employee with a regular drug habit could return a negative test if the sample was collected too early or too late from their last use.

When drug tests are conducted

There are several scenarios in which employers may conduct drug tests. The type of drug tests used in each case may vary depending on the employer&#;s purpose.

Pre-employment: Pre-employment drug testing helps organizations meet business objectives, mitigate risk and ensure safety in the workplace. In some sectors, pre-employment drug testing is mandatory. For example, federal Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations stipulate that all new employees need a negative drug test on file before commencing duties.

Post-accident: If an employee is involved in&#;or is the cause of&#;an accident, an employer may require a drug and alcohol test for the affected employee. This is especially true in heavy industries and/or in situations where injuries or fatalities occurred.

Random: Some companies require regular random testing to ensure the workplace remains drug-free. These employers must ensure that the selection process is without unlawful bias or discrimination. Managers may request a test based on observed behavior but there must be reasonable cause. Testing employees based on their age, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation (or other protected categories under federal, state or local laws) could result in discrimination claims brought against the employer

Periodic: Unlike random testing, periodic drug screening is scheduled and conducted regularly throughout the year. They are often bundled into an employee&#;s annual physical examination and may also be requested if an employee transfers departments or enters a new role.

Return-to-duty: Following a previous violation, employees may be asked to retake tests until they are deemed fit to return back to duty.

Reasonable suspicion: Subject to (any) applicable laws, employers may request drug testing if an employee shows visible signs of inebriation or early warning signs of substance abuse. Example indicators include:

  • Slurred speech;
  • Uncoordinated movements;
  • Excessive sweating;
  • A scent of alcohol;
  • Evidence of needle marks;
  • Personality change;
  • Mood swings;
  • Erratic behavior;
  • Social withdrawal;
  • Complaints from customers or colleagues; and/or
  • Increased tardiness and decreased work output.

Additional drug testing information

Aside from the what, why, when, and how, below are the most frequently asked questions about drug testing.

  1. Is drug testing legal?

There is no federal prohibition against employer drug testing.  However, states and localities may regulate the types of drug tests employers can require as well as restrict the positions for which drug testing may be required, for example to safety-sensitive positions. It is employers&#; responsibility, working with their legal counsel, to implement a drug testing policy and program in accord with applicable federal, state, and local laws and/or regulations.

  1. Who pays for drug testing?

It&#;s standard practice for the employer to pay for drug testing, and under the federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), the employee&#;s time in taking the drug test is considered hours worked.

  1. Who can see the results of a drug test?

No matter the type of drug test, privacy protections prevent the public release of drug and alcohol testing results.  Employees may need to sign a release for their employer to access the results. Employers should consult their legal counsel to ensure their drug testing policy and procedure(s) are in accord with any applicable federal, state or local privacy laws.

Choose Checkr

Need help with drug and alcohol testing for your organization? Checkr offers onsite oral fluid drug testing that you can administer directly at your work locations. For clinic-based testing, our nationwide network of more than 600 labs can customize pre-employment drug testing that is tailor-made for your hiring needs.

Contact our team today to learn more about how to protect your business, retain the best employees, and maintain a safe work environment with our modern approach to employee drug and alcohol testing.



Nothing in Checkr&#;s Blog should be construed as legal advice, guidance, or counsel. Companies should consult their own legal counsel about their compliance responsibilities under the FCRA and applicable state and local laws. Checkr expressly disclaims any warranties or responsibility or damages associated with or arising out of information provided.

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