Waterproof and Water-Resistant Upper Limb Prostheses

29 Apr.,2024


Waterproof and Water-Resistant Upper Limb Prostheses

Between hand washing, doing dishes, rainy days and everyday life, we get our hands wet a lot. Not all prosthetic terminal devices can handle water, but some can. There are even some that are built for water. If you’ll pardon the pun, let’s dive in!

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Passive Terminal Devices and Silicone Restorations

Passive devices like Point Designs Digits are some of the sturdiest devices out there. It’s okay to get them wet, just be sure to dry them thoroughly. You can learn more about those devices in our article, "Finger and Partial Hand Devices in Action." As for passive silicone restorations, they are waterproof, but the same advice should be followed: dry them thoroughly afterward. You can learn more in our article Daily Care of Your Prosthesis.


Most body-powered devices can handle some exposure to water. For example, the tines of a body-powered hook are washable, and on most devices, you can use a little soap. You don’t need to worry about rain. Naked Prosthetics are a common body-powered choice for partial hand differences, and those devices are water resistant. While they shouldn’t be submerged in water for long, it’s okay to get them wet if they are towel or air dried afterward.


The tines of an ETD and the ETD2 are waterproof. When it comes to multi-articulating myoelectric hands, the TASKA is the only waterproof option.

Motion Control, a prosthetics device company, makes a wrist which can be used in conjunction with the ETD, ETD2 or TASKA hand. They now offer a waterproof seal for that wrist, which is necessary if you want to submerge more than just the terminal device.


Swimming is an excellent way to exercise, and if your goal is to have a terminal device while you swim or to help you swim, that is an option. We have created activity-specific devices for our patients to use in the pool, including the one you see below for silver medal Paralympian Lizzi Smith, a patient at our Southwest Center in Dallas:

Depending on your everyday tasks, your job and your goals, there should be a terminal device that fits your needs. It is our goal to help guide you through the process of determining the best prosthesis for your needs. Once you have been fit with your device, we teach you how to use the device and keep it clean. Then we provide you with a lifetime of care, including our annual maintenance.

Would you or someone you know benefit from one of the above prosthetic devices? Please contact us. If you would like to leave a comment regarding prosthetics and water, please leave it below. We hope you found this article helpful.

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Are Prosthetics Waterproof? Can They Be Used in Water ...

Are Prosthetics Waterproof?

Approximately 2.1 million people   in the United States live with limb loss. And among this population, many are enjoying water sports.

But what happens when they start using a prosthetic limb? Can they return to their previous lives and partake in water sport activities?

Many patients in need of a prosthetic frequently ask these questions. After all, whether they’re athletes or not, prosthetics can get wet in the rain or spilled with water. So, these artificial limbs can get wet easily.

What happens in this case? Are prosthetics waterproof and can handle being submerged in water?

In the past, prosthetic components were made of steel, a corrosive material that easily gets damaged when wet. Thus, people didn’t use prostheses in water. Otherwise, they get ruined.

However, as technology advanced, prosthetic fabrication evolved, and new materials became the base of artificial limbs. So, if your patients ask, are prosthetics waterproof? The answer is yes they can be!

Our central fabrication services produce specialized prosthetic limbs, spray skins, and more that are waterproof and water-resistant. Also, our world-renowned Grace Gauntlets and Grace Plates are durable and long-lasting, even if they get wet.

Here’s some information about waterproof prosthetics:

● Water-resistant prosthetics can repel water – So, when these prostheses are wet, during a rainstorm, for instance, they don’t get ruined. However, prolonged wetness can allow water to penetrate and ultimately cause the damage to the device.

● On the other hand, waterproof means the prosthetic is impermeable to water, and they can be submerged completely.

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● If some components of the prosthesis are not waterproof, patients can use protective covers to protect the device.

● Protective covers can also help prolong the life of the prosthesis and maintain or restore its shape and tone, making it appear more realistic.

● Whether a prosthetic is waterproof or water-resistant, removing it when bathing is recommended so the residual limb can be cleaned.

Whatever type of prosthesis, the most important thing is that a professional prosthetist is consulted to get the perfect one for their needs and lifestyle.

Can Prosthetics be Used Underwater?

It’s important to discuss one of the most frequently asked questions about artificial limbs: “are prosthetics waterproof?” But now that you know the essential details about waterproof prostheses, the next question is, “can they also be used underwater?”

The answer is yes, in certain circumstances. Athletes, especially swimmers, will be happy to know that there are many activities they can do while wearing an artificial limb.

Here are some of them:

● Kayaking

● Paddle boarding

● Snorkeling

● Swimming

● Wakeboarding

● Water skiing

Aside from water sports, people wearing prostheses can participate in different activities, such as running and bicycling.

However, before your patients get their prostheses wet during water sports and other activities, it’s crucial to remember these tips:

1. A prosthetic foot can get lodged with sand when swimming in the ocean. Your patients will need a professional assessment and cleaning when this happens. Otherwise, they risk damaging the artificial foot.

2. Chlorine and salt water are corrosive substances for prostheses. When exposed to these substances, patients must thoroughly rinse them.

3. New prosthetic technology involves electronic components, which can be waterproof.

Getting back into water sports or any activity can be challenging for patients who lost a limb. However, it’s not impossible to enjoy the things previously done and loved, especially when they have the right prosthesis, ample support, and professional guidance.

Undoubtedly, waterproof prosthetics make things easier for people who love water sports. But of course, there are some things patients need to remember about wearing prosthesis in water. So, if your or your patients need to know more about waterproof prosthetics, don’t hesitate to call us at 1-800-940-5347. We’ll be happy to provide information about our prosthetic and orthotic devices.

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