Thymol Crystals

06 May.,2024


Thymol Crystals

Thymol is included in a list of approved EC products (Regulation 1804/1999) as a "non-medicinal curative substance" for treating Varroa.

Thymol CrystalsThymol Crystals

Thymol is included in a list of approved EC products (Regulation 1804/1999) as a "non-medicinal curative substance" for treating Varroa.

Spring/Summer Use

Apply Mid-March to the end of April when the air temperature has increased.  Remove before honey flow but can be left in the hive until August. Thymol evaporates slowly during the months of May, June and July, disrupting the breeding cycle of Varroa.  This reduces build up of mites during the active season.

Instructions for use:

1. Prepare a sachet (similar size to a tea bag) from fine material.

2. Place two x teaspoonful (10gm) of Thymol into the sachet and seal.

3. Place sachet on top of brood frames in the centre, below the Queen Excluder.

Autumn Use

Thymol can be used in the Autumn feed with beneficial effects for the bees in controlling Nosema.  It also prevents sugar syrup from fermenting.

1. Dissolve 20gm Thymol Crystals in 100ml Surgical Spirit (for smaller amounts use the same proportions of mix, e.g. 10gm Thymol to 50ml Surgical Spirit).

2. Add one teaspoonful of mix per 3 Gallons of sugar syrup feed.

3. Feed to bees.

Thymol use - any suggestions | Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

R.O.B Manley propagated the idea of using thymol in syrup intended for winter feeding in order to prevent fermentation and the growth of mould.

Manley's recipe in metric is 30 gm thymol dissolved in 150 ml of surgical spirit, with 5ml added to 13.5 litres of sugar syrup, commonly called
1 x Manley. There is a sticky with a good instruction from Hivemaker on how to make this up, and an alternative using leicthin as an emulsifier

Stronger solutions in feed are used to "help" treat Nosema and Acarine. 2litres of 2:1 thick syrup with 2.5ml of Manley's receipe gives approx "3x Manley" dose.

Thymol is an anti-fungicide and as such may be useful in controlling chalkbrood.

Regarding Varroa, Thymol does not kill varroa mites. It does, however, upset its reproductive system. The female cannot mate within the cell of the bee and once it emerges with the young bee, it falls from the comb and dies and cannot, therefore infest another cell. Thymol is the main ingredient in Apiguard and ApiLife Var vapour treatments. Some beekeepers (as you say on Youtube) have thymol frames which crystals are put in and they stay in hive for months, but not suitable for any honey production hive (see Dave Cushman's site for pictures).

Too much, in my limited experience, is a brood inhibiter – will put the queen off the lay sometimes

Spring/Summer Use

Apply Mid-March to the end of April when the air temperature has increased.  Remove before honey flow but can be left in the hive until August. Thymol evaporates slowly during the months of May, June and July, disrupting the breeding cycle of Varroa.  This reduces build up of mites during the active season.

Instructions for use:

1. Prepare a sachet (similar size to a tea bag) from fine material.

2. Place two x teaspoonful (10gm) of Thymol into the sachet and seal.

3. Place sachet on top of brood frames in the centre, below the Queen Excluder.

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Autumn Use

Thymol can be used in the Autumn feed with beneficial effects for the bees in controlling Nosema.  It also prevents sugar syrup from fermenting.

1. Dissolve 20gm Thymol Crystals in 100ml Surgical Spirit (for smaller amounts use the same proportions of mix, e.g. 10gm Thymol to 50ml Surgical Spirit).

2. Add one teaspoonful of mix per 3 Gallons of sugar syrup feed.

3. Feed to bees.

Thymol use - any suggestions | Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

R.O.B Manley propagated the idea of using thymol in syrup intended for winter feeding in order to prevent fermentation and the growth of mould.

Manley's recipe in metric is 30 gm thymol dissolved in 150 ml of surgical spirit, with 5ml added to 13.5 litres of sugar syrup, commonly called
1 x Manley. There is a sticky with a good instruction from Hivemaker on how to make this up, and an alternative using leicthin as an emulsifier

Stronger solutions in feed are used to "help" treat Nosema and Acarine. 2litres of 2:1 thick syrup with 2.5ml of Manley's receipe gives approx "3x Manley" dose.

Thymol is an anti-fungicide and as such may be useful in controlling chalkbrood.

Regarding Varroa, Thymol does not kill varroa mites. It does, however, upset its reproductive system. The female cannot mate within the cell of the bee and once it emerges with the young bee, it falls from the comb and dies and cannot, therefore infest another cell. Thymol is the main ingredient in Apiguard and ApiLife Var vapour treatments. Some beekeepers (as you say on Youtube) have thymol frames which crystals are put in and they stay in hive for months, but not suitable for any honey production hive (see Dave Cushman's site for pictures).

Too much, in my limited experience, is a brood inhibiter – will put the queen off the lay sometimes

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