Self leveling compound?

29 Jul.,2024


Self leveling compound?

Ardex is a good choice for self leveling compound. They make several different types. K-15 is a premium self leveler and is a very good choice. V- is a standard self leveler and is less expensive than the K-15. I used the V- for my project and it worked very well.

If you have a flooring supply store that caters to professionals, they'll be able to tell you which of the Ardex products are best suited for your area and your use.

The Henry 555 will also work but it was more expensive than the Ardex V- around here.

The local Home Depot also sells LevelQuik RS by Custom Building Products which should work for your application. Note that it is a "rapid set" product so it doesn't give you a lot of time but for such a small area, you should be okay. They also make a LevelQuik ES which is an extended set leveling compound which would allow you more working time but the Home Depots around here do not carry it and I couldn't find it elsewhere either.


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recommend need for self leveling compound



Join Date: Nov

Location: NW Arkansas, Ozark Mountains

For more information, please visit Self-Leveling Compound Manufacturer.

Posts: 12,772

2. Most of those products have a coverage chart (Mapei has one

Regarding SLC in general: It's not as simple as mixing it up and pouring it out on the floor. While you don't want to be pushing it all over the place, it does take a little "coaxing" to get it into the right places sometimes. Also, depending on how much you mix up, it might be best to have a helper there to do the mixing while you pour.

The person doing the mixing should start with plenty of water on hand, several buckets, a measuring container for the water, and a set of scales if less than one bag might get mixed at any time.

1. You definitely need the primer. Don't use SLC without it.2. Most of those products have a coverage chart (Mapei has one here on page 3 ). They'll probably all fall in that same range, however, it's better to be safe than sorry. Buy a little more than you need, as long as you can return unopened bags. All the pouring needs to be done as quickly as possible, so you don't want to have to stop and go back to the store for more.Regarding SLC in general: It's not as simple as mixing it up and pouring it out on the floor. While you don't want to be pushing it all over the place, it does take a little "coaxing" to get it into the right places sometimes. Also, depending on how much you mix up, it might be best to have a helper there to do the mixing while you pour.The person doing the mixing should start with plenty of water on hand, several buckets, a measuring container for the water, and a set of scales if less than one bag might get mixed at any time.


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