4 Considerations to Manage Your Total Cost of Medical ...

24 Jun.,2024


4 Considerations to Manage Your Total Cost of Medical ...

Hospital administrators and medical practice managers know just how challenging it is to reach that balance. Americans spent a staggering $3.2 trillion on healthcare in , and according to Modern Healthcare , medical supplies and equipment account for the most significant spike in healthcare spending. Hospitals are spending $93 billion per year on medical equipment lifecycle costs. And Becker&#;s CFO Report estimates hospitals are missing savings as much as 12% to 16% because of &#;lack of accurate information, internal resources, bandwidth and specialized expertise.&#;

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That averages out to $12,000 per bed, per year. How can your healthcare organization effectively plan for and reduce the total cost of ownership (TCO)?

Here are four significant considerations to keep in mind:

1. Knowing what is included.

First, familiarize yourself with the factors that contribute to your TCO and the actual lifecycle process.

TCO Lifecycle:

  • Planning
  • Specification
  • Procurement
  • Installation
  • Warranty
  • Operation
  • Deposition

Factors that Affect TCO:

  • Purchase
  • Repairs
  • Maintenance
  • Upgrades
  • Service
  • Support
  • Installation
  • Training

You should carefully analyze each of these pieces of the lifecycle and the factors that affect it. For example:

  • What financing options are available?
  • What will I pay in interest?
  • Is it possible to save money by buying a refurbished model?
  • If it is cheaper not to buy local, what will freight and logistics cost?
  • What can preventive maintenance be done to reduce repair costs?
  • How much will staff time be devoted to training and implementation?
  • What will we save in increased productivity?
  • What about the service contract and warranty?
  • How soon will we possibly have to pay for repair?


Technology then adds a whole new dimension to medical equipment. One study estimates medical practices are spending $32,500 per year, per full-time physician to buy, maintain and manage health information technology.

Before equipment is purchased, managers must determine how IT will be affected:

  • Will the new equipment work with the current technology?
  • If upgrades are needed, what are those costs?
  • Will staff have to learn new technologies to operate the equipment?
  • How flexible is the material for future changes in technology?

2. Managing your priorities effectively.

Whether you are managing a medical practice or a large healthcare organization, you must delicately balance risk, cost and benefits. Is the TCO worth the return on investment?

Here are five main areas to help you make that decision.
1. Will It Provide Better Care?

This is at the top of the list because providing top care should be your biggest priority. Will the new equipment improve patient care or offer better overall outcomes? In addition to the ethical reasons involved, improving care may result in meeting new quality care measures laid out by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid, as well as other insurers.

2. Will It Improve Efficiency?

Technology has created equipment that is both faster and smarter. In addition, newer equipment is usually more user-friendly, lessening the learning curve for new employees and making it easier to integrate with electronic health records.

3. Will It Bring in Revenue?

If a piece of equipment allows you to bring specific procedures in-house, a new revenue stream is likely possible. For example, bringing lab equipment in-house not only allows you to treat specific conditions quickly, but will bring in revenue that you were outsourcing.

4. Will It Lower Maintenance Costs?

Continually paying for repairs is expensive. If you are spending a lot maintaining old equipment, it often makes sense to invest in new.

For more information, please visit Newcentury.

5. Will You Attract New Patients?

Being an early adopter of new technology may attract patients simply because other offices or hospitals do not have the equipment needed to treat them. Investing in new equipment sends a message that your office is cutting edge and up-to-date on the latest trends and treatments.

Watch this on-demand webinar to learn how a major healthcare system reduced equipment expenditure with total lifecycle management.

3. Gathering intel.

The most significant part of the decision-making process is gathering the necessary information.

By collecting data from various sources, you can make the best procurement decision, including clinicians, facilities and construction, IT and telecoms, biomedical engineering, procurement, finance, vendors and system integrators.

Analyze your current asset base, maintenance history of the old equipment and projected maintenance on the new equipment. Carefully compare product specifications, installation requirements and gather price benchmarking data. And gather a robust database of sources, models, manufacturers, new and used equipment, as well as trade-in options.

It is critical to have a transparent information pool. While healthcare technology has grown exponentially, many parts of healthcare are not connected and still exist in isolated silos. Numerous healthcare functions are sophisticated and tech-savvy, but they often produce disconnected data streams, making decision making impossible.

You can ultimately decide by connecting your data streams. For example, RFQ capital (supply chain) provides your benchmarking data, project capital (facilities) includes product specifications, routine capital (finance) gives insight into your current asset base, replacement capital (clinical engineering) gives you data on maintenance history, and project capital (facilitators) provides installation requirements.

4. Having a cost-reducing strategy.

Here are just some of the ways you can make TCO work for the entire organization:
  • Equipment standardization has the potential to simplify employee training, minimize errors, reduce maintenance costs and the number of service contracts. Additionally, organizations can stock an inventory of small parts when equipment is standardized. This allows them to make minor repairs in-house.
  • Contract compliance brings the benefits of a robust warranty and service terms and increased visibility to the &#;starting&#; price. Uphold your end of the contract to get the most out of your service.
  • Early decision support gets everyone on board from day one. This reduces the chance that costly adjustments will be needed down the road, and lets you reap the benefits of increased productivity right away in all affected departments.
  • Strategic sourcing results in aggregated purchase savings, controlled procurement timeframes and automated supplier admin fees.
  • Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management involves setting priorities by analyzing objective data, planning for future replacements, making the actual purchase decision, and planning for disposal, reuse or the sale of used equipment.

To remain competitive and provide the highest quality care, physicians and healthcare organizations must have a strategy for keeping their equipment up-to-date. Taking into consideration the total cost of medical equipment ownership, as well as cost-saving strategies, will help your organization save money, become more productive, attract new patients and possibly find new revenue sources.

Learn more about how to improve medical equipment planning processes at every stage of the capital equipment lifecycle.

How Much Does A Hospital Bed Cost?

Let&#;s dive into the topic of hospital bed costs, a crucial factor for healthcare providers, families, and individuals. You might be wondering why this is so important? Well, think about it this way: The type and quality of a patient&#;s bed can significantly impact their recovery process, not to mention comfort during what can be a challenging time. As someone who desires to serve others in the healthcare field or even as a concerned family member or individual seeking care, you need to understand the cost implications.

Hospital beds come with different features that influence their prices. For instance, electric beds with adjustable height and position controls are pricier than manual ones. Additionally, specialty beds designed for specific medical conditions such as bariatric or orthopedic beds tend to cost more due to their specialized design and feature set.

Moreover, brand reputation also plays its part in determining the price tag. Renowned brands known for high-quality products and excellent customer service may charge more than lesser-known manufacturers.

In essence, hospital bed costs aren&#;t just about providing a place for patients to rest; they&#;re about ensuring optimal care and recovery. And while balancing budgets is always important &#; particularly in healthcare &#; you should remember that sometimes investing in higher-quality equipment can lead to better patient outcomes.

Now that you&#;ve got an understanding of why hospital bed costs matter and what factors can affect them let&#;s delve deeper into exploring different types of hospital beds broken down by cost range.

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